Monday Again

Our new board room was inaugurated last week with its first use being our DBA meeting on Friday. Having this space now available for various board, committee and other meetings is a great addition to our district office operation. We continue to wait on the delivery of some furniture pieces to complete our renos, but we are fully up and running. When you are in this neck of the woods, feel free to drop by and check out our renovated digs

Congrats to Rich and Katie Thomas whose adoption of Riley was completed last week. Also our warm best wishes to the new grandparents Steve and Nancy Sinclair.

Deep Water extended a near unanimous initial call to Jon Stephens yesterday to become their new Lead Pastor. He has accepted and we are so pleased to have Jon and Erin joining our tribe and returning home to this significant assignment.  Welcome! Jon has roots at KV and Erin’s roots are at Hillside.
Last Sunday was a high day at Yarmouth as some 22 people made first time commitments to Christ. Several others made recommitments in what Pastor John described as one of the greatest days of impact in his ministry. Gloria and I were pleased to share dinner with John and Willo Ann on Saturday evening.
I was at Havelock, NS yesterday morning as we continue to work with the church during this time of transition. I have such deep appreciation for the shared leadership of Charles Bain and Tim Long during this church year.

KV held a baptism last Sunday at the Saint John Aquatic Centre and baptized five new believers. All of these people are products of the KVEast multi-site initiative that was launched in the Cineplex Theatre in east Saint John a few months ago. Multi-site works! PTL and onward and upward.
April is the last month of our church year. Sincere thanks to the vast majority of our pastors who are leading their churches to be full participants in paying their USF. Together we are all stronger. Is your church up to date? If not, this is the time. Onward and upward.
WKFM (Wesleyan Kids for Missions) at Lower Brighton under the leadership of Eleanor McVicar decided to adopt the Pineapple Project in Sierra Leone, West Africa as their project. The project helps farmers in Sierra Leone begin or expand their growing of pineapples which has very positive family income outcomes.  The kids at Lower Brighton set $180 as their objective and then their work ethic and creative juices kicked in and they raised $425! Incredible. Congrats!
THOT: Thanks to Brian Dodd for the following 7 Practises of Growing Churches

  1. Growing churches focus on church health more than church growth.
  2. Growing churches demand excellence.
  3. Growing churches are vigilant about their mission, vision and core values.
  4. Growing churches ruthlessly stop doing unproductive ministries.
  5. Growing churches identify, spotlight and leverage their top producers.
  6. Growing churches not only embrace change but foster change.
  7. Growing churches celebrate.


Save the Date – April 1 and 2 at Kingswood. Rev. Steve DeNeff and Dr. Lenny Lucetti will be leading a “Festival on Preaching.” This two-day event will feature seminars from them and several other preaching experts. Additionally, several Emerging Young Preachers will receive personal coaching to help develop their homiletical skills. For more information and to register see the Kingswood website.

Moncton will be hosting an Alpha Jump Start for the pastors and key leaders from churches considering launching Alpha or who have already had Alpha in their fellowship. Great info in a condensed time frame with affordable cost. Check it out on the alpa Canada website.

An open invitation to an evening of delicious food and celebration as we hear how God is working and blessing World Hope Canada’s work in Swaziland.
Special guest speaker: Mrs. Thabsile Thwala, Director of The Fortress Ministry and Children’s Home, in Manzini, Swaziland.
Friday April 4th, 6:00pm, (dinner served at 6:30pm), Wesley Hall, Kingswood University.
An offering will be gratefully received to support the ministries of World Hope Canada.
Seating is limited. Call 1-877-482-1499 or e-mail to reserve your seat.



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.