Monday Again

129aTo the great people of the Atlantic District of the Wesleyan Church, thank you for your prayers and passion concerning  the future of the Wesleyan Church and the Kingdom of God even beyond the borders of the Atlantic District. You have been steady through this journey of leadership transition in the past year. You continue to faithfully support Dave and Joanne Leroy in their journey of faith and healing and we are all grateful.
It has been my privilege to work with the excellent District Board of Administration you elected to guide the District at every level. The past several months I have had the privilege to meet with the DBA several times. This past Wednesday was the day we interviewed candidates for the District Superintendent position. It was a good day and one in which we sought God’s guidance at every phase of the discussion.
I am happy to announce to you that at the end of the day a unanimous decision was reached to extend to Dr. H.C. Wilson the nomination as the District Superintendent of the Atlantic District for a 4 year term. We believe God is doing a “new thing” in all the leaders and that there is a “new day” for the Atlantic District.
We started the day with the words from the Psalmist: “O Lord, grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.“ (Psalm 116:25-26)
We saw God work and look forward to the future.
Blessings –
Jo Anne Lyon

drwilsonGreetings!  As I sincerely stated in the DBA meeting, I am honoured and humbled by your unanimous ballot vote to nominate me forward to the District Conference for a four-year term. Thank you for that vote of confidence – deeply appreciated.
After prayer and seeking counsel from those I truly trust, I enthusiastically accept your nomination and look forward to a ministry season unparalleled in the life of our district. I recognize that election does not take place until July and I am already chomping at the bit and will need to guard against appearing presumptuous. Truly looking forward to the future – onward and upward.
As we discussed, a change in district structure and personnel is a track we are all excited to travel together. I will have a truly amazing piece of info to share with you soon and seek your affirming response. A couple of conversations must precede this, but keep watching. Onward and upward.
It is a great privilege to be asked to serve in one’s home district. I can hardly wait…
He is risen!

So what now you may wonder. A few thoughts:
Be watching next week for the very positive announcement mentioned in my note above. Don’t miss it.
Be in prayer during these months leading up to District Conference and Camp as we consider how Made New will be far more than a denominational slogan in the life of our district.
Our reality is a bit unique. I now serve you as Interim DS and at the same time, have been nominated to become DS upon District Conference election. To move forward with plans and future ministry trajectory seems a bit presumptuous prior to being formally elected. On the other hand, to only deal with routine matters and not seize these months between now and District Conference to dream, plan, pray and embrace future possibilities seems irresponsible. Pray for wisdom. I deeply need His help and your understanding.
Did I mention there will be a significant announcement in the next It’s Monday Again?
Questions/comments/observations are welcome. Please feel free to be in contact at any time.
Watch for next week’s announcement.

A renovation project is underway at the District office that will provide us with a board/conference room.  One of our tenants vacated their office suite and we have taken over a portion of that space and it is being converted. Having our own board/committee/small group space will be a very positive addition to our office and provide meeting flexibility and convenience we have not had previously. The work should be completed by early in March.
The following note applies only to Canadians:
The 2014 Federal Budget was introduced in Parliament yesterday, and it contained a number of new measures that will impact charities. Many of these developments are welcome, including proposed funding for infrastructure to allow charities to electronically file their annual information returns for the first time, and more flexible rules surrounding the tax treatment of charitable gifts made by will.
For CCCC’s detailed analysis of these and other new provisions proposed in the budget, click here.
I met yesterday by Skype with the Leadership Team at Deep Water as we move forward with the first pastoral search in their brief history. Great unity and synergy in the group. We had two earlier meetings snowed out…
I sent the following tweet on Tuesday of last week, “Excellent board meeting in Maple Ridge tonight. Strong support for Pastors Nick and Mike. Very proud of great attitude of board members.”
Jacob Ebbett is turning 30 and his wife Nikki is hosting a “surprise” birthday party for him this coming Saturday the 22nd from 2-4 at the Havelock Memorial Hall – best wishes only. Greetings to Jake can be sent to
Kingswood University will be holding an Apologetics Conference on February 21 at 7 p.m. & February 22 from 9 a.m. to noon in Wesley Hall. World renown theologian, Dr. Craig Evans, plus two of his colleagues, from Acadia Divinity College, will discuss Did Jesus Believe He was Divine? by Dr. Craig Evans, The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus: Myth or History? by Mr. Greg Monette, and Response to New Atheism by Dr. Anna Robbins. There is no charge for this event and everyone is welcome. For further details, please refer to an email that was sent out earlier or call Mrs. Eileen Gavel at 506.432.4429.
Last night I met with the LBA at Sussex Wesleyan. It was a productive meeting discussing the future leadership possibilities and direction of the church.
THOT: The Hudson Bay Company newsletter issued in February 1924 outlined the eight commandments of salesmanship:

  • Being agreeable
  • Knowing your goods
  • Not arguing
  • Making things plain
  • Telling the truth
  • Being dependable
  • Remembering names and faces
  • Thinking of success

Great list for our tribe. Amazingly valid 90 years after first appearing. Onward and upward!



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.