
It's Monday Again

Good Monday afternoon! 
Shaun Fevens who is originally from Yarmouth and is a part of our Halifax Metro church is a member of the reserves in the Canadian Armed Forces and is presently stationed in Afghanistan.  He was recently injured when the vehicle in which he was riding struck an explosive device that killed six of his comrades riding in the vehicle with him.  I know that Shaun and his family would welcome your prayer support. 
Joel Wydysh will be candidating at Hampton-Island on Sunday, April 22nd.  He and Vicki were there this past week for an interview resulting in an invitation to candidate. 
Phil Hutchins, the new youth pastor at Sussex (Neville Gosman), reported 31 first-time decisions for Christ at a recent regular youth night.  PTL!
Presque Isle (Rick Kavanaugh) had a special missions offering on Easter Sunday with the total reaching $110,000.  The projects supported by this offering are located in Swaziland, Guatemala City, evangelistic teams in the jungles of Guatemala, and bringing an intern from Africa for six months’ training here in North America.  Our hats are off to Pastor Rick and his crew for this excellent response to Great Commission ministry.  Incidentally, their regular weekly income on Easter Sunday was $4,000 over the required budget as well. 
Carl Gilles, the French pastor at Moncton Wesleyan, is resigning effective July 1st.  He and his wife, Maya, hope to serve as missionaries in Haiti in the not-too-distant future.
Paul Tweedy will be candidating the vacant staff position in Woods Harbour (Steve Bean) on Sunday, May 13th.
Houlton (Wayne Robertson) had 386 present on Easter Sunday, which they believe to be an Easter Sunday record attendance.  LYA – 224. 
Attention Ladies:  Karen Cooney is organizing a bus trip to the Women of Faith Convention in Boston to be held July 27-29.  There are only 52 spots available so those interested should get their names in a.s.a.p.  For more information, contact Karen at 506-463-8220 or
Dates to remember:
April 27-28 – BBC Graduation
May 4-5 – Men’s Convention at King’s Valley
May 18-20 – May Rally at Mt. Allison University
July 6-15 – Beulah Camp ‘07
Our DBA continues its focused and diligent work on the DS search and selection process.  This past week, the board held a conference call and will be meeting in person on Wednesday of this week.  Thank you for your continued interest and prayers in this significant process. 
This past week, I was privileged to meet with our DBMD in Sussex on Tuesday and Wednesday as we interviewed ministerial students, most of whom are students at the college.  It is very encouraging to interact with these young prophets-in-process and to sense their heartbeat for ministry.  I believe the future of the church looks bright and encouraging.
On Thursday of this past week I was in Ottawa for a meeting with two members of the World Hope Canada executive committee.  I also met, on behalf of The Wesleyan Church of Canada, with representatives of the mission works of the former Standard Church in Egypt, Ghana, and Mexico.
THOT:  If the Christian Gospel is not for everyone, it is not for anyone.  If the church is not a home for all, it is not a home at all. – Maxie Dunnam

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E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

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E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

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Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

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