It’s Monday Again

An encouraging update was sent by GP Missionaries Robin & Yoko White (upper left) this week. Robin shared, “We are hoping to raise the rest of our Manga Project funds before the end of this year. If we can get this fund fully raised, we’ll be able to keep producing and sharing new content at until at least the end of 2023.” CLICK HERE for a two-minute video update.Earlier this week, I enjoyed a visit at the “apple core” lighthouse at Cape Forchu with another one of our Atlantic missionary families (upper right). Many of you know this family as they serve in Central Asia in a high security country. It was inspiring to hear first-hand how they continue to persevere in the face of challenges as God has entrusted them with a calling to share the Gospel in hard soil. We are honoured by the service of families like these as we have opportunity to partner with them to the ends of the Earth.

Auxano Lead Navigator Mike Gammill concluded the 7th and final session of the Atlantic District Vision Team on Wednesday which began its work in February. This was the only session conducted in-person and was a refreshing bookend to a year filled with Zoom interaction. The Vision Frame for the short and long term future of our district will be presented for final approval in the November DBA and introduced at our January Ministerial. There was collective discernment that God wants to bring “renewal” for our pastors in the immediate months ahead.It has been a blessing to see evidence of how God is at work in us all for a new day of unity and momentum in mission. Deep appreciation to the collaborative wisdom and engagement of Kevin Campbell, Joel Gorveatte, Sharon Guptill, Tim Long, Matt Maxwell, Tami Mutch-Ketch, Tanya Nace, AJ Plaizier, Scott Prime, Victoria Rowe, & AJ Thomas.

The Beulah Session of the Camp Board convened all day Saturday at Heartland to conduct a review of the 2021 summer ministries. While all shared deep disappointment in the need to cancel Beulah Family Camp, the other summer program of events and services was perhaps the best ever offered.Many new young families are taking up seasonal lots and the number of those seeking to make Beulah Camp and Conference Center their year-round residence is at an all-time high and on the rise. Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch led an excellent meeting of both evaluation and forward vision as we all prayerfully anticipate the post-pandemic opportunities of 2022. The six-hour meeting was punctuated with times of prayer as board members shared specific requests.

- Today people are watching Christians and churches to see if praying for leaders and loving their neighbours is a real thing or just something to make us feel better on Sundays. What will they see? (Sheldon MacLeod)
- You are not a shadow of your former self; you are a shadow of your future self. (NT Wright)
- How would my prayer differ if it were less out of desperation and pride and more out of a desire for God’s glory and God’s Kingdom to flourish? (Steve Lennox)
SAVE THE DATE: As announced during A Campfire Chat, District Ministerial will convene at the Valley location of Kings (Brent Ingersoll) on January 19-20, 2022 (more details TBA – begins @ 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday and concludes with the evening rally on Thursday).

NEXT is Global Partners’ mentored cross-cultural immersion experience for young adults. Pass along the NEXT website to anyone in your church who is searching for meaning and their place in God’s kingdom work. Download and share the 2-minute NEXT video in your service or in your church newsletters. The best next step for anyone interested is to fill out the inquiry form, and they will be contacted for a follow-up conversation. The website is constantly updated with the upcoming internship opportunities for spring, summer and fall.
(Prior District Journals are available from District Office upon request.)