It’s Monday Again
People from all over the Atlantic region pulled up a chair yesterday to the virtual flames of our midsummer night’s livestream – A Campfire Chat. It was a night filled with God-glorifying worship and testimonies of our good God at work in the midst of this pandemic season of ministry.
If you missed the broadcast, grab a warm beverage and CLICK HERE to check it out (the pre-show concludes at the 13:55 timestamp). The post-show included an interview with Lead Pastor Mark Soone at The River in Bangor, Maiine along with his Vice-Chair, Larry Keezer. CLICK HERE to hear what it’s like to candidate in an entirely virtual process and/or view the other video testimonies shared around the campfire.A special highlight included an in-person visit from Rev. Roosevelt T. Benson as he was honoured for 71 years as an Ordained Minister (timestamp 30:03). Another highlight of District Camp Ministry was shared by Tami Mutch-Ketch (timestamp 23:44).
SAVE THE DATE: As announced last night, District Ministerial will convene at the Valley location of Kings (Brent Ingersoll) on January 19-20, 2022 (more details TBA – begins @ 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday and concludes with the evening rally on Thursday).

A group from Miramichi (Anton Topilnyckyj) gathered around an actual campfire last night to watch A Campfire Chat (above right) – a cool idea! If you tuned in and heard Stacey’s inspiring story, She is being prayed over by her Alpha group (above left) this weekend as she continues her journey with Jesus. CLICK HERE to enjoy her baptism testimonyrecorded with Worship & Development Pastor Victoria Rowe at Framework (Bud Fancy).

Four teens from Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) were baptized by Student Ministries Pastor Austin White at Beulah last week. Austin shared, “In total we’ve seen 14 students baptized in 2021.These teens are on fire for Jesus!”

Upgrades to audio visual equipment were installed in the Tabernacle this week. Special thanks to Steve Bradley (Browns Flat Fellowship) and Scott Trafton (Kingswood University) for their leadership to make this happen. It takes so many volunteers using their skills and expertise to serve the Kingdom outcomes we continue to celebrate in District Camp Ministry. We know who you are and we are grateful for each one!

Ellen joins me in expressing condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District family for Drew & Amy Donovan (Kingswood University) on Wednesday’s passing of his father, Timothy. A celebration of his life will be held on Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. at Saint John First (Graham Perry). CLICK HERE to read his obituary with additional details including the opportunity to share words of comfort for the family.

Thank you to those in our ministerial tribe who were present to support Retired Minister Ole Kent and his family on Saturday as they celebrated the life of his son, Dwight Kent. Our prayers continue for both the Kent and Donovan families during these difficult days of loss.
Points to Ponder
- Everybody wants to follow Jesus until they find out He isn’t who they want Him to be. (Chris Mealey) #takeupyourcross #denyyourself
- Almost everything else happening in a worship service is more important than how many people are in the room. (Karl Vaters)
- Even as attendance dwindles and faith skeptics arise, data continues to prove the undeniable benefits of faith — and specifically church attendance — for individuals and society. (Ericka Andersen)

Reconnect. Recharge. Renew! The plans in place for Summer@Beulah 2021 are impressive and extensive. Grab a hot beverage and take a few minutes to click on this link to drink in the details. Keep in mind, several activities will require preregistration per pandemic restrictions on a first-come, first-served basis.
- CLICK HERE for the up-to-date schedule with full details and downloadable PDFs
- Another great addition to BCCC this year is the Beulah Activity Center (BAC) – CLICK HERE to check this out along with other great new additions like the nine-hole frisbee golf course.