It’s Monday Again
Journey (Matt Maxwell) has had 528 new profiles entered into their church database since March 1, 2020. The pandemic has not prevented Kingdom connections that have resulted in transformed lives! Last Sunday two baptisms took place for people not connected prior to the pandemic. The young lady being baptized above had family from Calgary who prayed for her via video in a very moving service.
Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) made a big announcement yesterday! Assistant Pastor Drew Owen will be launching Stone Drop Church, a daughter church of Cornerstone in Elmsdale, with a TBD timeline. Stay tuned for how you and/or your church can partner in this exciting new Kingdom location!
Today, The Wesleyan Church of Canada is launching a new benefit to all employees who are part of the Blue Cross Health Care plan. Online Doctors with Medavie Blue Cross is a virtual care benefit powered by Maple to support your health and well-being.
Are you looking for health advice? Do you need a prescription? Now, through Maple’s fully secure platform, you can chat with a doctor via text, phone or video in just a few minutes. You and your family have access to up to FIVE fully covered visits with a General Practitioner from Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to midnight EST. Note: This is five doctor-consults per household, not per person.
CLICK HERE for an overview of the plan. Here is how to get started …
Create your Maple account in less than a minute so it’s ready when you need care.
- Enter your date of birth, and your personal Blue Cross ID number (11 digits), and the Blue Cross policy number (10 digits, including the 000’s). These numbers are on your Blue Cross Health Care Card.
- After registering, you’ll be able to access General Practitioners on Maple in minutes.
To keep up to date on all the great news of how God is at work, CLICK HERE to Like & Follow the WHI-C Facebook Page. Key donors have provided a $25K matching gift for the Online Gala this Friday night…
The Future is Bright: An online gala event!
Steve Bradley (Browns Flat Fellowship) offered a timely and inspiring word yesterday morning addressing COVID facts, foolishness, fuss, frustration, fatigue, fear, AND faith. Our pastors and local church leaders are providing such stellar Kingdom influence as this pandemic season and the ever-changing restrictions continue much longer than most predicted.CLICK HERE for another great word about having a spirit of perseverance from Evan Oxner (Amherst). His weekly e-newsletter always includes a list of “wins” – a great idea for others to consider.
Ellen joins me in expressing our deep condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District Ministerial family to Walter Perry on Thursday’s sudden and unexpected passing of his dear wife, Margo. Our hearts are broken for the entire Perry family, which as many of you know, reaches both deep and wide into the leadership tree of our Wesleyan heritage in the Standard Church, Central Canada District and our own district ministerial family.
Our thoughts and prayers will continue for Kirk, Graham, and Lynnette and the extended family as they grieve with their Dad on the loss of a wonderful mother. CLICK HERE to post your own words of comfort. A TBD Memorial Service to celebrate her life will be held in two weeks at the conclusion of self-isolation for Kirk Perry and his family.
- There’s no escaping the questions of the ultimate meaning in life. (Jordan Peterson)
- Don’t blame your emotions on your circumstances or other people. (Dan Reiland)
- Busyness is a choice. You’re as busy as you want to be. (Carey Nieuwhof)
All credentialled Atlantic Ministers should have received an email from HQ with login instructions for TWC HUB, our new online reporting system. If you did not receive this email please check your spam folder. CLICK HERE to access the excellent instructional videos for all reports due – especially your Annual Service Report (ASR), Please do not contact Karrilee at the District Office for assistance until AFTER you have viewed the instructional video and are still having difficulty completing your report. The Local Church Statistical Report (LCSR) email will go out directly from HQ to all Lead Pastors on May 1st. Note to Lead Pastors: Keep in mind there is a separate box to record online attendance which we look forward to celebrating at unprecedented levels in this pandemic year of ministry. Please kindly resist the temptation to include ANY virtual stats in the Primary Worship Average for in-person attendance.
- Holy Spirit, fill and lead me
- Use me for breakthrough witness
- The calling of workers —ministers, missionaries and marketplace multipliers
- Disciples making disciples
- Churches multiplied
- The six-day camp will begin with an evening service on Tuesday, July 6 and concluding with a morning service on Sunday, July 11.
- A full four-day program for kids and youth will be scheduled during the mornings of Wednesday – Saturday and each of these days will offer a morning and evening service in the Tabernacle.
- Ordination is tentatively scheduled for the classes of 2020 & 2021 on Friday, July 9 with President Lennox preaching.
- Save-A-Seat online registration has been purchased and will be used to preregister all services, programs, and dining hall meals which will be limited based on physical distancing regulations.
- Our Camp Evangelist will be Rev. Jon Wiest (pending border/quarantine restrictions).
- There will be neither an in-person nor an online District Conference this summer. The General Board has approved districts which deem it best due to pandemic travel restrictions to conduct the business of the District Conference by the DBA in July. This option was also elected last summer.
- On or before June 7th, the DBA will make a final decision regarding Beulah Family Camp pending an open border between NB & NS. If BFC is cancelled it will also result in a private Zoom Ordination Service for 2021.
for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)