It’s Monday Again

A new Kingdom location was announced yesterday by AJ Plaizier as shared the following exciting news with our Yarmouth congregation…

“Five years ago we said as a Church we were going to take Jesus into every community of South West Nova… it’s time for another community. This fall we will be sending Tom and Jess Cann with a crew of leaders to plant a campus in the south end of Yarmouth. Yarmouth may be a small town but it’s two communities. In a desire to make the Gospel more accessible and to be more present in the community, we will be starting a campus IN the south end FOR the south end. We decided we were not going to wait for them to come to us, we want to go to them.” #kingdommultiplication

Don’t miss an important update on Beulah Family Camp 2021 below!
(Live Well – Tim Long & Dave/Melissa Tysick, Deep Water – AJ Thomas)

(Framework – Bud Fancy & Jason Blaikie)
(Amherst – Evan Oxner, New Hope – Scott Prime & Tree Russell)
Over the past couple of weeks, the above five meetings were held with Mark Parker, National Multiplication Director for The Wesleyan Church of Canada. Vision (both early ideas and adopted plans) for multiplication was shared with Mark as he prepares to serve our Lead Pastors and Churches with resources and support for these new Kingdom locations. If any pastors have a vision for reaching people with a new location, please contact Mark Parker to share what God is laying on your heart.
(Coastal Community – David Zigler, Crystal – Lisa Graden, Digby – Andrew Maves, Hartland – Dave Wilcox)
(Corbett – Jason Vienneau, Live Well – Tim Long, Cornerstone – Denn Guptill, Crosspoint – John Symonds)
(Amherst – Evan Oxner, Encounter – Jim Agrell, CenterPoint – Glen McVicar, Hillside – Jay Guptill)
In lieu of DS Dialog Days (which were cancelled due to pandemic travel restrictions), I have been enjoying one-on-one meetings with our Lead Pastors. This week I met with the twelve leaders above – we are blessed by the dedication and diligence of these Kingdom servants.
One of these meetings had a surprise guest!
In 2017, the Superintendent of the PAOC Maritimes District, Rev. Kevin Johnson, led his tribe to entrust the church and parsonage (for $1 each) in Tiddville, NS, as a Wesleyan restart under the capable leadership of Tim Long (Live Well). He was able to join my meeting with Tim to offer a surprise word of encouragement and celebration with the exciting story that is unfolding. If you have a few minutes and want to be encouraged by a real time example of how God loves to make all things new – CLICK HERE to listen in as DS Johnson gets an impromptu update of how God has been blessing under Tim’s leadership over the past four years! #contextualeffectiveness

The second session of training for the upcoming Mobilization Pipeline Cohort took place on Tuesday night. Jon Wiest (Groundswell) has prepared a six-session cohort for the fall of 2021 that will give churches the tools to develop and implement a blueprint for mobilizing disciple-makers. This will build on the journey we engaged a year ago to explore a blueprint for our Local Church Discipleship Pathways.

Here are some other updates from around the Atlantic District:

  • Congratulations to Peter Hayes on a 98% vote for an Extended Call at Solid Rock!
  • A warm welcome to Colin Wallace as he joins the Deep Water (AJ Thomas) team as Pastor of Celebrate Recovery later in March.
  • Kings Charlottetown (Jon Robertson) had an excellent turnout on their first Start-up Zone Night on Saturday. This “all hands on deck” event is for preparation to kick-off weekly Community Worship Gatherings in a few weeks. This will lead to an official Campus Launch in the fall!
  • Brent Ingersoll (Kings), Joel Gorveatte (Moncton), & Justin Beesley (Hope City) had opportunity for a private meeting with NB Premier Blaine Higgs this Thursday to discuss the impact of pandemic restrictions on churches and to pray with our Premier. Brent shares an excellent epilogue and challenge in this post.
I had the privilege of spending about 8 hours with all 24 North American District Superintendents on Thursday and Friday. Twenty of my colleagues were able to meet in person onsite at one of our churches in St. Louis, the other four of us joined them by Zoom. General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt joined us for the final hours of the event which ended in a powerful moment of prayer for our leader.
Great news – the District Board of Administration has approved a tentative plan that will allow for an on-site six-day Beulah Family Camp 2021! Here are just a few of the plans which are based on the assumption of at least a Maritime Bubble. Final decisions will be determined when the DBA convenes in late April.
  • The six-day camp will begin with an evening service on Tuesday, July 6 and concluding with a morning service on Sunday, July 11.
  • A full four-day program for kids and youth will be scheduled during the mornings of  Wednesday – Saturday and each of these days will offer a morning and evening service in the Tabernacle.
  • District Conference will be held on Thursday, July 8.
  • Ordination will be held for the Class of 2020 & 2021 on Friday, July 9 with President Lennox preaching and National Superintendent Steve Elliott presiding.
  • Save-A-Seat online registration has been purchased and will be used to preregister all services, programs, and dining hall meals which will be limited based on physical distancing regulations.
  • Our Camp Evangelist will be Rev. Jon Wiest (pending border/quarantine restrictions)
Points to Ponder
  • There are no small places with God. (Kevin Johnson) #Zechariah4:10
  • We surrender every label, every limit, every lie – because You are the Way Maker. (Tiffany McGraw)
  • Love is more powerful than law. (Joel Gorveatte) #graceworks #becauselovechangeseverything

Director Dean Stephenson has an incredible passion to invest in his team of emerging young leaders. CLICK HERE to see just a few of the benefits available for those who are selected from applying to serve as staff on Caton’s Island.

What if COVID-19 is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)

Check out these great resources above at – we are blessed by the many ways our denominational leadership serves the front lines of the local church.

Staying on top of your mental health has always been important, but it certainly seems to be even more pressing in our current season. With that in mind, Yarmouth (AJ Plaizier) offered an online seminar recently featuring Dr. Allen Lee (Program Director of the Christian Counselling program at Kingswood University and  Atlantic District Clergy Care Coordinator). CLICK HERE to view this presentation hosted by Mark Brewer with practical strategies to help us stay mentally healthy during these challenging days.

CLICK HERE for A Special Announcement from the Desk of President Steve Lennox
We’re concerned about the effects of the ongoing pandemic on churches and pastors. Those of us at Kingswood University want to help. We’re offering several free resources for local churches and pastors:
  • Sermons: We’ve recorded two sermons which churches can use to provide a respite for those preaching. We plan to provide more sermons in the coming weeks.
  • Greeting and update: We have included a brief video update on how God has been working at Kingswood University during the past 10 months. Churches deserve to know how we’re stewarding their investment.
  • Free classes: Pastors may welcome the opportunity to sit in on a virtual class session to learn more about a topic of interest. The care package contains a list of classes and syllabi for those classes. Anyone interested can contact our Registrar for more information or to register ( or 506-432-4406).
  • Seminar on Personal Wellness: We’ve provided a video file to a seminar presented by Dr. Allen Lee, Professor of Christian Counselling at Kingswood University.
  • Youth group: Seasoned youth speakers, Shaun Miller and Zach Painter, are happy to lead a virtual youth service for an evening. If COVID-related restrictions allow, this could be done in-person. Anyone interested should contact


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.