It’s Monday Again
In 2019, Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) made the decision to step out in faith with a 3-year Village Partnership through World Hope Canada. By the end of 2020, $78K was already raised – nearly completing the 3-year amount committed. An extra year has been added with a new goal of $108K that will allow for a school building to be constructed.
It order to help the congregation keep up with the current raised amount, a local artist, Bee Stanton who attends Cornerstone has been painting a mural with scenes out of Sierra Leone at both the Gatehouse (Hammonds Plains) & Windgate (Beaverbank) locations. CLICK HERE to read more about the Village Partnership.

Beulah Camp and Conference Center is now accepting applications for casual and part time housekeeping staff. If interested in joining our team, please email us at

- These reformatted clusters have been so beneficial to my professional development and spiritual development, especially with the type of year we had.
- The wealth of wisdom and variety of experience levels that everyone brings to the table is incredible.
- I love meeting with our cluster.
- Our churches are all different sizes and we all have different roles, but many of the issues we are dealing with are the same.
- I love hearing different perspectives and what people have done or are doing.
- This past cluster meeting reminded me that being intentional and focused is what our church and what our community needs right now. It’s easy to be busy or overwhelmed with all the things that can be done. It’s good to take a minute and remind ourselves of the purpose of our church in our community and figure out the few things we are going to and do them well.
- It was great to meet and pray with my Pastor Cluster this week and I left encouraged.
- We had a solid discussion on measurements for the discipleship pathway. Although the size and context of our churches vary, our ultimate mission is the same.

The Atlantic District has obtained a license to provide every church with the digital elements of the upcoming Rethink Small Conference. This gives you and your church access to over 20 HD teaching videos from leaders across our denomination and beyond. It also gives you access to PDF files of the conference notebook and planning guide. If you are interested in receiving these tools to use in your church, please CLICK HERE to request the download links.

A Citizen Service Specialist from Service Canada is offering an information session Wednesday January 27th, 2021 at 10:30am via WebEx (see below). This will be an overview of all services and benefits offered by Service Canada which can be accessed through the ministries of your church in serving the community. This session will be divided into two parts, the first being the Presentation from Service Canada which will last about 30 minutes followed by Q&A.
Cut and paste this link to your browser to join the webinar:
Meeting Password: 95387975
“I recently invested an hour in learning about the many programs available to those in need in our communities, and found this extremely informative. It is a great tool to use to help those who often don’t know where to turn for help. It is an hour well spent, I promise!” Scott Wood (Journey)
- Waiting in prayer is a disciplined refusal to act before God acts. (Eugene Peterson)
- If one of our campuses is struggling – all of our campuses are struggling. Period. If this is not true of your multi-site you do not have a healthy system. There should be no “main” campus. (Ken Nash)
- Some missions in life are hard, but worth it. The key is to not forget the worth-it part when you’re going through the hard part. (Robin White)

Kingswood University is excited to announce a full range of online options to prepare for ministry for the 21st century. Now you can study fully online for the ministry, whether on the certificate, undergraduate, or graduate level! #Prepareforwhatmattersmost

Do you still believe in the power of prayer? If so, Rev. Mark Parker, our National Director for Church Multiplication is building a TWCC NATIONAL PRAYER FORCE and he would like you to join him in asking the Lord of the harvest to raise up a new generation of church planting leaders for Canada and the state of Maine. Doing God’s work has to be done in God’s way. This means that we need the power and the force of the Holy Spirit to go before us. We have not because we ask not. Let’s first begin on our knees! Will you join the National Prayer Force? If so, text the word “force” to 226-400-4418 and let’s advance first on our knees! When you sign up, Rev. Parker will begin to share regular prayer requests from across the nation as we move forward together in planting new churches. Make sure you include your email address and your mobile number. Thank you for being a part of this force for God and for good!

for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)