It’s Monday Again
Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) was open for worship yesterday after two weeks of online services only, due to a temporary increase to COVID Level Orange in Zone One of New Brunswick.
Joel’s brief sermon in the series, “Powerful Prayer: Scripture-fed, Spirit-led,” focused on the power of group prayer. He was then joined by four other prayer warriors on the platform. And for the next 20 minutes, the hundreds gathered in-person and online joined in the Spirit as these five prayed through the promises of Romans 12.
Discipleship is often more “caught than taught” as Believers witness the example of others. We were so blessed by the wisdom, courage, and passion of this innovative instruction for corporate intercession.
- Our cluster gathering exceeded my expectations and we had a wonderful hour.
- What a great first meeting together for our Pastor Cluster!
- We had great discussion and the hour went by quickly.
- Brené Brown’s video spoke volumes to each of us as did the document Dr. Allen Lee sent for us to read. Thank you for addressing this important area in our ministries and lives.
- Looking forward to next month!
- Thank you for providing all the material and making it as simple to lead as possible.
- Great meeting with some great guys.
- I was a little concerned about what we would do to fill 47 minutes once the video was done but we didn’t even get through all the questions!
- Great conversations and real vulnerability.
- I’m excited to gather with this group again.
- Grace is not opposed to effort; it is opposed to earning. (Dallas Willard)
- It is grace, nothing but grace, that we are allowed to live in community with Christian brethren. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
- People are every bit as dominated by shame and guilt today as they were in more traditional times, but they don’t have the words for it anymore. (Tim Keller)
for leaders to think more strategically
about doing church?
(Will Mancini)
- Check out these great resources above at – we are blessed by the many ways our denominational leadership serves the front lines of the local church.
Click here to see a one-page overview
Click here for the 45-minute video 2025 presentation