It’s Monday Again

Caton’s Island summer camps are beginning to fill up quickly! Each week is limited to 90 campers on a first-come, first-served basis. Click HERE for a detailed announcement from Director Dean Stephenson. You are encouraged to follow the Caton’s Island Facebook to keep current with any announcements or changes.
This past weekend at the Beulah Tabernacle was the culmination of three weeks of planning to prerecord virtual Beulah Family Camp (see details below in Upcoming Events). Kelly Jay and the worship team finished recording the worship music for the three services which will be broadcast on July 7-9 @ 7:30 p.m. This 360 degree pic was posted of the entire team and can be viewed on your smartphone.Calling all Atlantic Worship Leaders! Kelly Jay would like to invite you to join the worship team as part of a Zoom choir for the final anthem of Beulah Camp – We Believe. If you are a local church Worship Leader on the Atlantic District, we would love to include you! Please download this PDF for all the details you will need to participate (including the audio track). Deadline: Your video must be submitted as instructed on or before Monday, June 15th.

  • The services will include several extra highlight videos including the interview recorded this week with Dr. Laurence & Vesta Mullen – you won’t want to miss a single night of this first-ever online Beulah Family Camp. Vesta has attended Beulah every one of her 90+ years – so we’ll be counting her present this year… by video!
    • A very special and sincere word of appreciate on behalf of the Atlantic District to Interim Beulah Overseer Steve Bradley & Interim Caton’s Overseer Brian Murray. These two godly and gifted men have been the glue of Atlantic Camp Ministry for the past 1.5 years and has concluded effective June 1st. Your District thanks you both as we now turn to Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch for oversight of our celebrated and effective Camp Ministry.
    • Bruce Cheney officially retired as Beulah Camp Caretaker on June 1st. We are deeply grateful for the more than 12 years of service he and Roxie have provided. More will be shared to honour and esteem this great couple in the final service of Beulah Family Camp on July 9th.
    • The Province of New Brunswick announced on June 4th that Canadian residents outside NB may be permitted to come to their property (cottages/RV & Trailers) at Beulah effective June 19th. This is good news and a more detailed statement will be forthcoming in next week’s IMA outlining the conditions which must be met (including being in strict quarantine for 14 days). Click HERE to read the June 4th Yellow Level Restrictions.
  • The District Office has officially moved to Beulah Camp for the summer.
  • Atlantic Churches are encouraged to take a Sabbath week of their regular local online ministries the first full week of July to highlight the opportunity for your church family to enjoy and engage this three-night Beulah Camp. Please start spreading the news on social media. (BFC – jpg small or BFC – jpg large or BFC – pdf poster)

Matthew Thomas serves as Dartmouth Campus Pastor of Deep Water (AJ Thomas). His voice has been used in very significant ways to speak into the importance of anti-racism in our region. Sunday morning he preached (upper left) the first part of “Invisible Enemy” (click HERE to check it out) – his message is an excellent expression of Biblical truth for such a time as this.

Matthew was also invited to lead hundreds of Believers in prayer (above right) in the event held last night in Africville, Halifax, NS.  This gathering demonstrated the peaceful power of prayerful protest against racism. We are so proud of you Matthew and grateful you are a faithful steward of Kingdom influence!

Do you ever wonder if there is a relationship between racism, resistance, and righteousness? How does a Christian world view impact daily living in times of challenge and turbulence? Join Kim Gladden of Church Multiplication & Discipleship and let’s talk about this important Discipleship Conversation on Tuesday, June 23rd at noon EST.

Pastoral Transitions

TWO exciting announcements come to us from the Lamos family this week! Congratulations to John & Jesse Lamos (Kings) on the happy arrival of their second daughter, Olive Grace born on June 2nd. 

It was announced this weekend at The Lighthouse (Tim Guptill) that John Lamos and his family will be joining the Pastoral Team as Assistant Pastor on Grand Manan this summer!The Lighthouse was one of several New Brunswick Atlantic Churches (such as the Browns Flat Fellowship below) who took advantage of the Yellow Level change in group size to convene with multiple services and social distancing by family-and-friends bubbles.

Some congregations on the Atlantic District are taking advantage of Drive-In Service options, while others are still primarily serving their congregations online. Larry Osborne has this interesting insight on when the time may be right for larger congregations to reconvene in person.
Larger churches are exploring creative options for how to encourage the gathering of Believers for edification and evangelism. Graham Perry (SJ1) rolled out a brand new approach this week, they are calling 1820 – House Church based off Matthew 18:20, “Where two or three are gathered in my Name…” Download this PDF for a full overview of how the 1820 vision is taking advantage of the liminal space of reduced pandemic restrictions.
The page above is from the Annual Report of New Hope (Scott Prime). Click HERE to enjoy the full report which is the highest quality year-end report I have seen thus far for any local church. Thank you Scott for your inspiring vision for Kingdom multiplication and thanks to the efforts of your team in setting such a platinum level standard of excellence to celebrate this year of ministry at home and around the world through your two campuses in Kingston & Kentville!
The summer construction on Stairs Hall is well underway and on schedule for fall use by the students of Kingswood University. President Steve Lennox shares, “Delighted to receive this generous cheque [of $10,000] from the Sussex Rotary Club presented by President Rhoda Wilson. The money will go toward making Stairs Hall fully accessible.”
Are you ready for more good news from Executive Director Tanya Nace of World Hope International (Canada)? “Last weekend’s Gala was a success and we surpassed our goal to raise $32,000 for The Hope Fund. Thank you for your generous giving – you dug deep and helped us reach beyond our $30K goal! From Friday evening (May 29th) to Monday at noon (June 1st) the Gala experienced the following online engagement online:People Reached: 8248
Total Views: 1962
Engagement: 882 
Social Media Shares: 53
Total Raised: $32,000

Ellen joins me in expressing sincere condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District for Ardith Clark and the extended family on the early Saturday morning passing of her dear husband, Albert Clark.

  • Albert served as Beulah Camp Caretaker for more than a decade concluding service in the mid-90’s. His vision to see Beulah Camp expand with year-round capacity for residential living and group ministry events was one of the celebrated legacy points of his service.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are also extended for Jon & Leesa Robertson (Lead Pastor of Kings Charlottetown) on the recent passing of his father, Brent Robertson.
Points to Ponder
  • If not even one had turned to follow him, Jesus would still have died. He died in faith to God, love for the world, and the hope of the resurrection. None of that depended on our response. His death was not a strategy but the very expression of who He is. (Aaron Perry)
  • Grateful people are happy people. (Craig Groeschel) #ineverythinggivethanks
  • Leaders who never take a break end up breaking. (Carey Nieuwhof)

2020 will always be remembered on the Atlantic District as the first-ever (and hopefully the last!) virtual Beulah Family Camp (BFC). Here is our challenge to Atlantic churches – why not take a sabbath week from all your typical midweek online events following the first Sunday of July? Instead, encourage everyone in your church family to tune in for these three nights of inspiration, worship, and challenge. We’re all in this together!
There are a couple of ways we would love to have your participation:
1. Download your preferred format of the poster above and start spreading the news on social media. (BFC – jpg small or BFC – jpg large or BFC – pdf poster)
2. What do I love most about Beulah Family Camp? We are asking friends of BFC to record a simple 10-20 second video on your preferred device (smart phone, iPad, etc.) and send it in on or before Monday, June 15th.
  • You may choose to do this as a family, with some friends, or just go solo. We are looking for people of all ages so parents feel free to help your kids out as needed – or vice versa.
  • Just answer that simple question and send it to Justin McGuigan on Facebook Messenger (Justin R Mcguigan) or Instagram PM (justinmcguigan) – if you use IG to send this, please record a video NOT using IG and then upload it to the Private Message or he will not be able to save it for editing purposes.
  • Be creative, passionate, and specific – Justin will include as many of these as possible in segments of these services.
  • Click HERE for a one-minute video with instructions for how to take the best video.

Looking for a meaningful way to celebrate Father’s Day for your family or through your church family? Look no more – CLICK HERE for details on how you can honour your parents by investing in those who have no parents to provide for their future. You can also use this video presentation to highlight the impact of this ministry.

World Hope International has created an online platform, Get-Support, to help communities and churches stay connected and provide support to one another.  This is a platform where users can submit and respond to requests for assistance from one another. Five churches in the Atlantic District are registered to use Get-Support. If you are interested in using this tool in your church, watch this Webinar that explains how the system works. For more information and to register,



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.