Wesleyan Church of Canada

It’s Monday Again

The spark of Kingdom multiplication burst into flame on the South Shore last night. In a partnership between Woods Harbour (Jason Parker) and Yarmouth (AJ Plaizier), the first monthly preview service was held for Coastal Church in Barrington with an incredible 188 in attendance! Coastal Church will launch this fall with weekly services as a satellite of Yarmouth in partnership with Woods Harbour. #kingdommultiplication [...]

It’s Monday Again

It was a privilege to be with Mel Norton yesterday as we served the congregations of Beals (Nick Wilson) and Jonesport (Andy Phillips). After a combined service in each church over the past two Sundays, the congregations worshipped separately yesterday morning in preparation for a historic merger vote. Members and adherents were encouraged to participate [...]

It’s Monday Again

More than 1,900 Wesleyan pastors and spouses traveled to the Caribe Royale Resort and Convention Center in Orlando this week for The Gathering. The times of worship were Spirit-filled. The preaching was raw, real, and practical - as well as inspiring. The seminars were varied and high-calibre. And the fellowship amongst long-distance friends who are [...]

It’s Monday Again

Contextual effectiveness is one of our six core values. Hats off to Evan Oxner (Amherst) for coordinating an all-day affinity group promoted as “CE-150” on Wednesday including 10 Lead Pastors of churches with an average attendance last year of 50-150. Three pastors connected by Zoom and the others were present at the Edgett Boardroom in [...]

It’s Monday Again

New Pastor Orientation began on Wednesday with a barge ride and a tour of Caton’s Island for 21 newly credentialed and/or appointed pastors (including several spouses and children). This group of 40+ was given first-class treatment by our Executive Administrator, Karrilee Bremner and her team. The two-day event included sessions with myself, Assistant DS - [...]

It’s Monday Again

Solid Rock (Stuart Marples) had a full weekend. Stuart shares, “Friday afternoon we had the Memorial Service for Mabel Johnson. Mabel’s husband, Sam, served as Lay Pastor at Solid Rock after Stewart Steeves' first time as Interim Pastor and before Graham Perry became Lead Pastor. On Saturday we had our annual Family Fun Day. The [...]

Monday Again

As of July 12, 2018, the next National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Canada (TWCC) was officially declared to be the Rev. Dr. Stephen D. Elliott. This appointment by the National Board to a four-year term expiring at the rise of the 2022 National Conference was ratified by the aggregate vote of both the […]

Monday Again

Caton’s Island launched its summer of ministry this past weekend with a brand-new July Family Camp at the conclusion of training week for 55 full-time staff (not including CIT’s – counselor-in-training which occurred earlier in June). The August long weekend Family Camp has been sold out months in advance for the past two years, prompting […]

Monday Again

The Wesleyan Church celebrates 50 years of ministry on June 26, 2018. Yup, that’s tomorrow. More will be said about this at District Conference but this Wesleyan Life article gives the full story including a 3.5 minute video narrated by General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt. In honour of this historic union, you can experience the actual merger […]

Monday Again

Raising leaders matters. Our District Board of Ministerial Development (DBMD) offers an annual THRIVE Workshop for Licensed Ministers and those recently Ordained. On Monday and Tuesday of this past week, Dr. Dan Poff (Indiana Wesleyan University) provided point leadership for 23 participants and coaches on the theme of dealing with conflict management in the local church. […]



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church


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