Wesleyan Church of Canada

It’s Monday Again

Ten churches began a six-month cohort journey this week with Jon Wiest to prepare for the launch at District Ministerial in January to Renew Discipleship Pathways in at least 80% of our churches during the fall of 2020. An overview of this initial focus in the values-driven vision of our 2025 Horizon Storyline was introduced in the DS Report at District Conference. [...]

It’s Monday Again

Kathy Jeffries (Head of Millstream) celebrated two baptisms yesterday in the pool pictured above. Lisa Graden (Crystal) baptized a lady down at Crystal Creek yesterday. Lisa reports, "We also have two youth who are going through membership training and will become student members soon and we have had two people in the congregation who have [...]

It’s Monday Again

Tim Long (Live Well) celebrated the baptism of a Tiverton teen yesterday. The next monthly preview dinner and service was held Saturday in the Tiverton Community Hall with 57 in attendance - about a dozen first-timers. Tim shared, "One lady had attended the First Aid training we sponsored last week and decided to come...years since [...]

It’s Monday Again

Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) hosted its second annual All Nations Sunday yesterday. This year has seen a transformation in the ethnic composition of the church, with the infusion of 100+ people from countries like Nigeria, Brazil, the Philippines, and everywhere in between. The worship leaders were all immigrants, speaking portions in Portuguese, Yoruba, Filipino, Spanish, and Afrikaans; a welcome in [...]

It’s Monday Again

Beulah Family Camp begins with a Prayer Covering @ 7:00 p.m. on Friday in the Tabernacle. This year will feature several highlight moments to celebrate the 125th Anniversary (a quasquicentennial - in case you were wondering!) of our historic campground and annual gathering. The 2019 Camp Evangelists, Lenny Luchetti and Moe Diggs, will serve alongside another inspiring year of [...]

It’s Monday Again

Our Wesleyan leaders from the rest of Canada gathered at the impressive new campus of Trenton (Brian Carswell) for their District Conference on Thursday evening. District Superintendent Peter Rigby was honoured in the conclusion of six years as leader of the Central Canada District upon his retirement at the rise of conference on Saturday. It was a [...]

It’s Monday Again

Four years ago the Atlantic District DBA initiated a "Thrive" pilot to enhance the development of Licensed and newly Ordained Ministers as an addition to the DBMD process. Dr. Dan Poff has been onsite to teach the four distinct workshops each year for which he has written the curriculum. The final workshop at Beulah this week was [...]

It’s Monday Again

My week began with more than 200 Wesleyan leaders from around the world as we gathered in Bridgetown, Barbados for the 4th International Conference of The Wesleyan Church. The Exploration Essential of our global collective was in full bloom and it was an honour for Denn Guptill and I to represent the Atlantic District as we interacted with this [...]

It’s Monday Again

The World Hope International (Canada) Gala on Friday night was a tremendous success! With more than 130 in attendance, the passion and vision of the team of presenters was inspiring and heartwarming. Keynote Haley Clark (Director of Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Gender-Based Violence) followed an excellent evening of presentations by Deborah Gilbert (Missions Pastor @ Cornerstone), Dave Flanagan (Board Member [...]

It’s Monday Again

It was exciting to visit yesterday at New Hope's (Scott Prime) Kingston Campus. This new Kingdom expression is almost 5 months old and has many Sundays near the 80 mark in attendance. With a strong worship team, excellent children's ministry, and a rotation of live preachers with the Kentville Campus, this has been very well received [...]


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church


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