Caton's Island

It’s Monday Again

About 20 Pastor Cluster Leaders met this Wednesday with Dr. Dann Spader to review the material for the April, May, & June sessions. His work using the Four Chairs of Discipleshipand his book Disciple-Making Metrics will provide substantive conversations for our Local Church Discipleship Pathways. Here are just a few unsolicited comments from some of [...]

It’s Monday Again

Caton’s Island registration is now open - CLICK HERE! Approximately 300 campers have already registered. With camps capped at 90 again this year, you are encouraged to apply soon to ensure access to your preferred dates. As one of only four overnight camps that operated across Canada last summer, the impressive Caton's staff are ready [...]

It’s Monday Again

In 2019, Cornerstone (Denn Guptill) made the decision to step out in faith with a 3-year Village Partnership through World Hope Canada. By the end of 2020, $78K was already raised - nearly completing the 3-year amount committed. An extra year has been added with a new goal of $108K that will allow for a [...]

It’s Monday Again

'Tis the season! Reg Thomas (Perth Andover) shared this report of reaching out to their community this Advent, "So thankful for the hard work of our Awana leadership and volunteers who are trying to make this Covid Christmas a little brighter for our Awana families!" The annual "Carroll McKenna Thanksgiving Project" was another great success [...]

It’s Monday Again

Amherst (Evan Oxner) has been holding weekly services since mid-July. The service yesterday was energized by an excellent worship team and a compelling message from Evan. Like most churches, the congregation is gradually returning, although many are still uncomfortable with Sunday gatherings. Some new faces have joined recently in spite of pandemic restrictions. Giving has [...]

It’s Monday Again

After 12 years of truly distinguished service as the Caretaker of Beulah Camp and Conference Center, Bruce Cheney concluded his ministry on June 1st. Friday evening at Heartland was a beautiful and fitting time to celebrate Bruce and Roxie. Hats off to Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch and Conference Coordinator Nicole Symonds-White for planning and executing [...]

It’s Monday Again

This deserving man was celebrated on Saturday for serving on Caton's Island for 25 summers! Director Dean Stephenson was duly honoured with a surprise tag-on to the annual staff awards event. Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch shared, "Tears streamed down his face as Deam declared to his staff, 'I stand as proof that God can use [...]


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Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

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