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It’s Monday Again
It’s Monday Again
It’s Monday Again
Monday Again
As of July 12, 2018, the next National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Canada (TWCC) was officially declared to be the Rev. Dr. Stephen D. Elliott. This appointment by the National Board to a four-year term expiring at the rise of the 2022 National Conference was ratified by the aggregate vote of both the […]
Monday Again
Our Beulah Work Day this past Saturday was one for the record books! As many of you know, the devastating flood brought a whole new set of challenges for our Caretaker, Bruce Cheney, and his team of volunteers. Bruce did an excellent job of navigating the camp through the high-water time and overseeing the flood […]
Monday Again
More than 70 were present at Hope in Shelburne this past Saturday evening for an appreciation service in honour of Pastors Carl and Evelyn Brewer. They are retiring (again) and are concluding their service at Hope. The church was closed when they went there 2 1/2 years ago. They are now running 60+, have completed […]
Monday Again
ONE Conference recorded 2500+ registrations, including 600+ local church leaders. ONE was birthed at the initiative of Kings (Brent Ingersoll) to merge “Rally in the Valley” with the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) annual youth rally, “Spring Forth.” With additional volunteer staff and special guests in attendance for this first-ever interdenominational Atlantic student ministries […]
Monday Again
My family worshipped yesterday morning at The River – Bangor (Steve Sinclair). This church family was birthed on Easter Sunday 2016 as a merger between the River City & Pathway congregations. This “marriage” has been incredibly successful with a deep sense of unity as nearly 100% of both previous congregations have remained to form a […]
Monday Again
Yesterday was Deep Water’s (AJ Thomas) 10th birthday with their highest single day attendance of 530 over three services! These are amazing days of momentum as the first six months of this church year have averaged 400 compared for to 252 for the same months in 2016 (a stunning 58.7% rate of growth). This is […]
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