Monday Again

Ambassador of The Wesleyan Church, Dr. Jo Anne Lyon was featured yesterday morning on “The Weekly with Wendy Mesley” in an interview regarding the Biblical perspective on immigration. (The interview begins one minute and fifteen seconds into the clip.) This nationally televised voice was a timely encouragement as this same week the Supreme Court of […]

Monday Again

Raising leaders matters. Our District Board of Ministerial Development (DBMD) offers an annual THRIVE Workshop for Licensed Ministers and those recently Ordained. On Monday and Tuesday of this past week, Dr. Dan Poff (Indiana Wesleyan University) provided point leadership for 23 participants and coaches on the theme of dealing with conflict management in the local church. […]

Monday Again

The service at Journey (Matt Maxwell) yesterday morning was followed by their Local Church Conference – ‘tis the season. Hats off to Matt and the LBA in proposing a variation of the Carver Model of Governance (as approved by the DBA) which was passed without dissenting vote for the forward leadership of this great church. […]

Monday Again

Our Beulah Work Day this past Saturday was one for the record books! As many of you know, the devastating flood brought a whole new set of challenges for our Caretaker, Bruce Cheney, and his team of volunteers. Bruce did an excellent job of navigating the camp through the high-water time and overseeing the flood […]

Monday Again

More than 70 were present at Hope in Shelburne this past Saturday evening for an appreciation service in honour of Pastors Carl and Evelyn Brewer. They are retiring (again) and are concluding their service at Hope. The church was closed when they went there 2 1/2 years ago. They are now running 60+, have completed […]

Monday Again

ONE Conference recorded 2500+ registrations, including 600+ local church leaders. ONE was birthed at the initiative of Kings (Brent Ingersoll) to merge “Rally in the Valley” with the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) annual youth rally, “Spring Forth.” With additional volunteer staff and special guests in attendance for this first-ever interdenominational Atlantic student ministries […]

Monday Again

The “Flood of 2018” is a matter of record in New Brunswick history as the worst ever now surpassing 1973 levels. As one sign posted on social media reads, “Stop looking. Start helping!” There are many organizations and local efforts which need support. One worthy of special highlight is Samaritan’s Purse. They will be conducting a […]

Monday Again

The Saunders-Irving Chapel was packed on Saturday morning as Kingswood University celebrated 53 graduates. The weekend schedule featured Baccalaureate Speaker Joel Gorveatte (Moncton) and Commencement Speaker Laurence Mullen (Houghton College) who was also conferred the distinguished honour of Doctor of Divinity as pictured below by President Stephen Lennox and Board of Trustees Chair HC Wilson. […]

Monday Again

Hartland (Dave Wilcox) hosted the Maximizing Impact Team this weekend. The format for this high-level 2.5 day consultation includes one-on-one interviews, town hall Q&A meetings, leadership training and concludes with the creation of a customized report of strengths, concerns, and recommendations. Special thanks to the MI Team, Dave, and the Hartland LBA for their excellent […]

Monday Again

Bradford Rogers preached an excellent holiness message yesterday during the three services at Deep Water (AJ Thomas). The growth this church family has experienced this year has opened the door for CR Director Shaun MacKenzie to come on staff part time and for the church to hire two new staff positions (Discipleship & Children’s Ministry). […]



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.