It’s Monday Again

Jonesport (Andy Phillips) had their annual children’s Christmas play last night with a performance of “Carol And The Belles” – there were 87 in attendance to hear a 1950’s diner version of the Christmas story! On Saturday, under the leadership of Jamin Melanson (Assistant Pastor of Amherst with Evan Oxner), more than 40 people (kids, adults and seniors) gathered to [...]

It’s Monday Again

‘Tis the season. Moncton's (Joel Gorveatte) children’s ministry mobilized the whole church this weekend in presenting Jingle Bell Rock (a family friendly production) with live music, dancing, and comedy. The Christmas Story was presented, and the hope of Christ was proclaimed as 2,000 attended the services (an increase of almost 300 over last year). Best [...]

It’s Monday Again

The spirit of celebration and anticipation was palpable at Hope Wesleyan yesterday morning in Shelburne, NS, as I was privileged to lead in the Pastoral Installation of Joanne Ozon. She and her husband, Mike (affectionately referenced by her as the “pastor’s wife”), were an integral part of the rebuilding of this church family under the [...]

It’s Monday Again

Metro (Aaron Birtch) had a perfect day and an incredible turnout out for their Family Fun-Day Carnival on Saturday. This 3-hour community outreach was the first day to intentionally connect with the BLT (Beechville-Lakeside-Timberlea) suburb of Halifax. They have relocated from the the Cineplex IMAX to the Halifax Christian Academy in Timberlea for Sunday worship [...]

It’s Monday Again

Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) held a spectacular “All Nations Sunday” on July 22nd. The service included five Scripture readings about God’s vision for all nations, interspersed with worship, each read by an immigrant in their own language. Outreach Pastor, Nathan Adams, adds, “We had immigrant worship team members and did segments of songs in different languages. […]

Monday Again

As of July 12, 2018, the next National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Canada (TWCC) was officially declared to be the Rev. Dr. Stephen D. Elliott. This appointment by the National Board to a four-year term expiring at the rise of the 2022 National Conference was ratified by the aggregate vote of both the […]

Monday Again

(Full gallery of Family Camp 2018 can be seen on the Beulah Camp website) Yet another fantastic Beulah Family Camp (BFC) concluded yesterday afternoon and entered the annals of our district heritage. Record registrations this year for Jr. VBS, VBS, and the Youth Track, are celebrated evidence that the spiritual benefit of camp ministry for […]

Monday Again

Super Saturday launched Beulah Family Camp 2018 with great weather, delicious food, a packed day of family activities, music concerts, and wrapped up with a truly spectacular fireworks show at the Beulah beach. Friday night’s Prayer Covering was a powerful time of intercession. I was privileged to share in a prayer triplet with someone who […]

Monday Again

Caton’s Island launched its summer of ministry this past weekend with a brand-new July Family Camp at the conclusion of training week for 55 full-time staff (not including CIT’s – counselor-in-training which occurred earlier in June). The August long weekend Family Camp has been sold out months in advance for the past two years, prompting […]

Monday Again

The Wesleyan Church celebrates 50 years of ministry on June 26, 2018. Yup, that’s tomorrow. More will be said about this at District Conference but this Wesleyan Life article gives the full story including a 3.5 minute video narrated by General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt. In honour of this historic union, you can experience the actual merger […]



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Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

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