It’s Monday Again

Church services across the Atlantic District included Remembrance Day highlights yesterday. The ultimate sacrifice paid for our freedoms by so many must never be forgotten. This has a powerful spiritual parallel in the words of the writer of Hebrews who turns our eyes to a "great cloud of witnesses." A para-church ministry board on which [...]

It’s Monday Again

Like several other churches across the Atlantic District, Encounter (Jim Agrell) began a second service in September to accommodate the increasing numbers in weekend attendance to have adequate room for physical distancing. Jim preached an anointed and challenging word yesterday from the farewell discourse of Christ to His disciples (John 14-17). More than 20 Atlantic [...]

It’s Monday Again

  Congratulations to our six newly Ordained Ministers on the Atlantic District! Rev. Parker Davis (Framework) Rev. Jacqui Hill (Deep Water) Rev. Liz Hoyt (Moncton) Rev. Bradford Jordan (Blacks Harbour) Rev. Victoria Rowe (Framework) Rev. Ron Winters (Kings) In a brief 25-minute Zoom ceremony this Wednesday, Dr. Steve Elliott joined DBMD Chair, Rev. Dale MacDonald, [...]

It’s Monday Again

Port Maitland (Barry Vernon) celebrated four baptisms yesterday in a local lake. Barry shared, "We are praising God that even with Covid-19 we are still moving forward!" Brent Ingersoll (Kings) featured Dr. HC in his 34th "Speaking of:" Podcast this weekend. A great conversation with two impactful leaders. An excellent podcast worthy of subscription with [...]

It’s Monday Again

After 12 years of truly distinguished service as the Caretaker of Beulah Camp and Conference Center, Bruce Cheney concluded his ministry on June 1st. Friday evening at Heartland was a beautiful and fitting time to celebrate Bruce and Roxie. Hats off to Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch and Conference Coordinator Nicole Symonds-White for planning and executing [...]

It’s Monday Again

CenterPoint (Glen McVicar) held its annual Children’s Ministry Yard Sale this weekend at the Havelock Community Hall. Children's Ministry Director, Eleanor McVicar, shared this update, "People in the community donated an unbelievable amount of stuff and they also gave very generously. We made $1550 in the two days. It was a lot of work with [...]

It’s Monday Again

The future sanctuary of Cornerstone Windgate experienced a sacred moment yesterday. Site Pastor Rob McDowell led some of the core launch team in writing key promises of Scripture on the floor which will soon be covered by carpet. Rob shared, "This was the first in person gathering that has happened since forming as a team, [...]

It’s Monday Again

Nothing beats celebrating transformed lives. Yesterday, Tim Long (Live Well Community) had an outdoor baptism service with record attendance since the church started 3.5 years ago. Take that COVID-19! Live Well is preparing to launch its first satellite in the months ahead in the neighbouring community of Tiverton on the Digby Neck. #kingdommultiplication Tim shared, [...]

It’s Monday Again

Friday would have been Ordination Day on the Atlantic District. But we won't let the pandemic keep us from celebrating! Seventy years ago this July, Rev. Roosevelt T. Benson was extended the right hand of fellowship as an Ordained Minister in our antecedent denomination, the Reformed Baptist Alliance. It was my honour to visit Rosie [...]


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Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

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