It’s Monday Again

Good things happen around a campfire. Stories are told. Laughs are shared. Songs are sung. Achievements are celebrated. Hearts and hands are warmed. Relationships are deepened. Disappointments of yesterday are diminished. Hopes for tomorrow are brightened. Spirits are lifted! With so many continued 2021 disruptions in the historic summer connection points for our district family, you are invited [...]

It’s Monday Again

Fifty days after Christ's resurrection, the Church was birthed in the Upper Room (Acts 2). Pentecost Sunday was celebrated yesterday across the International Wesleyan Church. Five themes were lifted up in prayer amid worship and testimonies from around the world as General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt (pictured below with his cohost) guided this hour of global intercession. In the [...]

It’s Monday Again

Journey (Matt Maxwell) has had 528 new profiles entered into their church database since March 1, 2020. The pandemic has not prevented Kingdom connections that have resulted in transformed lives! Last Sunday two baptisms took place for people not connected prior to the pandemic. The young lady being baptized above had family from Calgary who prayed [...]

It’s Monday Again

Congratulations to the Classes of 2020 & 2021 as Kingswood University held two Commencement ceremonies this weekend. Unfortunately the majority of the 2020 Class on Friday evening were unable to be physically present as hoped. President Steve Lennox & VP for Academic Affairs (Dr. Janet Starks) are to be commended for the creative and masterful [...]

It’s Monday Again

Nothing is better in the Kingdom than seeing transformed lives. Over the past two Sundays, Kings (Brent Ingersoll) has celebrated 22 baptisms in its various locations including at some home churches and at Celebrate Recovery - PTL! Last month, WesLife posted a fascinating article highlighting 25 Wesleyan churches in North America with the highest baptism [...]

It’s Monday Again

Two loaves of fresh, locally baked bread were delivered to 175 homes - one to eat and one to share. Dale MacDonald & Neil Horner (Woodstock) share in the link below about this innovative and effective church-wide campaign leading up to Easter. Pass the Breadconnected with every church family and equipped each home with a [...]

It’s Monday Again

Moncton (Joel Gorveatte) celebrated two baptisms yesterday! One gave testimony of being invited to attend for the first time at a Christmas event by a friend and then attending Alpha this winter where they accepted Christ. Some more Easter highlights... Blacks Harbour (Ken Banks) had 88 present for Easter Sunday - the highest attendance since [...]

It’s Monday Again

He is Risen, just as He said! Reports are coming in from around the region and several of our churches saw new pandemic-high attendance as this weekend marked the second Good Friday & Easter celebrations of COVID-19. These are encouraging signs for the fall trajectory of increasing potential for in-person engagement with vaccines becoming available [...]


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.