Atlantic Connexion

Atlantic Connexion

Live Well (Tim Long) - A Full House on Palm Sunday Partnership across denominational lines is bearing fruit for God's glory. A small PAOC congregation of seven believed God for something big. The PAOC Maritimes District selflessly gifted the Atlantic Wesleyan District with a church building and a parsonage in a Spirit directed partnership for [...]

Atlantic Connexion

CLICK HERE for Information to Involve Your Church A Polar Dip with a Difference! This picture says it all about the amazing baptism of two Christ-followers. You know someone is serious about their faith when they are willing to endure 38F/3C temperatures! Coastal (Jason Parker) was joined by a great turn out of pastors and other [...]

Atlantic Connexion

Sixty-Five Years of Ministry Celebrated @ Framework Sixty-five years of pastoral ministry and "retiring" for the 4th time - this Sunday was a special celebration of Rev. Bernard Brown. A luncheon afterwards in recognition of his conclusion of service on the Framework Pastoral Team @ Christmas, had people giving honors to his years of ministry [...]

Atlantic Connexion

Crosspoint (John Sherwood) - Sunday's Baptism! The Saint John First (Graham Perry) church family puts the "multi" in multi-generational. Meet Stella (seated in the lower right pic). The very young man (DJ) in the baby seat is her first Great-GREAT Grandson! The young lady standing in-between is DJ's Great Grandmother, Trish. It was an excellent service at SJ1 [...]


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

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