Atlantic Connexion

  • God is truly at work at Easton (Rich Thomas). Lives are being transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit, and people are experiencing healing, deliverance, and new life!

Rich shared, ‘It’s been a wonderful Sunday at Easton Wesleyan! We had three baptisms today and five new members were extended the right hand of fellowship. One of the baptisms was our ViceChair’s 7-year-old son, who spontaneously asked his Dad during the service. After being baptized, his Dad asked him what it all meant, and he said, ‘It’s like dying and Jesus taking away all our sins and coming up new. My heart is full!'”

Amherst (Evan Oxner) held their annual Big Give community outreach this weekend. Evan shared, “Everything we did was free for those who attended, and we refused to take donations from them. It seemed like this “no strings attached” generosity lowered everyone’s guard. So many people wanted to stick around, wanted to talk, wanted to open up. We were able to talk to people we would never have interacted with normally, and their walls just started to melt away.”
West Head Wesleyan Serving Fire Victims
Vince Robertson (West Head) shared, “A year after the NS fires our church did what we could. Ladies made several quilts for people who lost everything. And the quilting inspired help for pregnancy care centres and now for Juniper house, a women’s shelter in Yarmouth.” Don’t curse the darkness – light a lamp! As Mother Teresa said, “There are no great acts, only small acts done with great love.”
On May 26, Cyclone Remal, smashed into the low-lying coast of Bangladesh resulting in hundreds of thousands of people being evacuated from their homes. Rev. George Bose, the National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh reported that the storm has impacted a majority of those who attend our churches in the Khulna district.
While no Wesleyans lost their lives, many lost their homes, and are in dire straits in regard to housing and food. Cornerstone(Denn Guptill) has already responded financially and any assistance from other district churches would go a long way, in providing a cup of cold water in Jesus’ Name.

  • To expedite the delivery of these funds, Canadian donations may be made by etransfer ( payable to The Wesleyan Church of Canada WM05-0219 NMS-Bangladesh with the added memo Disaster Relief – Bangladesh.”
  • CLICK HERE for a folder with more pics of the cyclone impact.
  • CLICK HERE for the detailed story of the beginnings of TWC of Bangladesh.
Browns Flat Fellowship – New Members & Growing!
We have been so very well served in the leadership of Browns Flat Fellowship over the years. First with Wayne Briggs, followed by Steve Bradley, and now with Jay & Sharon Guptill. BFF is growing and is continuing to build greater days of community impact and connection. The six new members who were extended the right hand of fellowship (pictured above) this week are contributing to this encouraging story!

A small but mighty crew from Crosspoint (John Sherwood) travelled to Caton’s Island on Saturday, June 8 to continue work on the new cabins for the 2024 summer camping season. The crew installed vapour barriers and plywood panelling while another team began constructing bunks.

  • Crosspoint funded the construction of a new cabin on the island with a special Easter 2023 offering. This group, along with a work crew from Crosspoint that travelled down in fall 2023, are committed to seeing the new cabins through to completion so the vision of increasing the overall capacity of campers by 2025 might be realized.

What a great picture of discipleship and God’s faithfulness from generation to generation. We pray for every student who will benefit from their handywork, and trust God will draw future generations to himself through our ongoing partnership with Caton’s Island.

  • The Lodge Ibottom pic) is almost completed and is a beautiful new addition as you walk up off the sandspit. Plan now to come over for the Caton’s Island Open House on Saturday, July 13th @ 1:30 p.m. to check it out. Special thanks to all those who made this incredible first-class housing for adult volunteers and senior staff – an exciting summer of transformed lives awaits!
  • Sincere encouragement comes from a deep love & belief in people, and a desire to see them experience a better life. (Dan Reiland)
  • It takes great faith to trust the sleeping Jesus, to know that He cares and works for us even when it does not seem like it. But this is the kind of trust God wants to build in us. (David Guzik)
  • Understanding “why” helps you build bridges of connection and empathy, and presenting an alternate vision moves beyond the dead end of mere judgment to the promise of evangelism. (James Emery White)
Beulah Family Camp – July 5-14, 2024
Full Camp Schedule Now Available!
Beulah Family Camp is just one month away! CLICK HERE for the full schedule details. Many of the workshops and events have limited seating so be sure to register early. Advance registration for all events (including Kids & Youth programs) will open June 18th.

CLICK HERE for the June Beulah Newsletter!

What’s Wrong with MAiD?
Pastors in Nova Scotia – CLICK HERE for this 1.5 minute video from David Guretzki of EFC, encouraging pastors to get involved. The seminar “What’s Wrong with MAiD?” will be offered by the CMDA (Christian Medical & Dental Association) on June 13th at 7:00 p.m. @ Divine Mercy Parish (35 Colby Dr, Dartmouth) 

  • The concept of MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying), whether new to you or not, deserves more attention from the faith community. We’ll take a look at this important subject from the Christian perspective, with history, insights and testimonials to help inform why change is needed. Nova Scotia currently has the most restrictive policies in Canada. Already, 8 of 10 provinces have changed policy to accommodate Physician conscience rights. We’ll provide practical, simple ways you and your church can advocate for dignity affirming healthcare in Nova Scotia.

REGISTER HERE to attend in-person or online.

For more information, contact Rebecca Hapeman (

Riverside Wesleyan Camp!

Summer is coming fast and you know what that means…camp season! Riverside Wesleyan Camp has three weeks of fun, activities, and worship planned for all ages. Registration is now open!

CLICK HERE for more information and Camp Registration.

Caton’s Island Camp Registration

CLICK HERE to register your children soon for the camp dates of your preference this summer – they fill up quickly!

  • Need a reminder of why a Christian Summer Camp experience is so important for our kids? CLICK HERE to be reignited with this truth.

CLICK HERE to check out Follow the Call
A new Wesleyan resource to disciple believers in processing a call to ministry.



Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.