Atlantic Connexion

It was an exciting day Sunday at Crosspoint (John Sherwood)! After service, they headed down to the Nashwaak River and baptized a married couple (Brittany and Chris) and a ten year old (Sophie).
Then everyone celebrated these three who have been raised to life in Christ with a church-wide BBQ outside the Marysville Heritage Centre. Praise the Lord! Every number has a name…
Largest Full-Week Camp in Caton’s Island History!!!
This throng of middle schoolers was lined up for lunch at the expanded Choate Dining Hall for lunch on Wednesday as the Caton’s Island Session of the District Camp Board was convened onsite by Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch. With a new 18th cabin provided by Hillside, the island was packed with 183 registered campers (grades 6-8), plus nearly 60 staff.

  • Enjoy some sights of the impressive expansion in action…
Two serving lines feeds everyone in 30-45 minutes!
The greatest need to open the ministry of Caton’s Island to impact more lives for Christ is for additional staff housing and more camper cabins. Director Dean Stephenson keeps casting vision for 2,025 campers by the summer of 2025 and we are well on our way to see this dream become reality. Current projections for this year may reach 90%!
October 15, 1888 – A Big Day in Our Spiritual History!
A visit this week to the Mullen Heritage Archives at Beulah Camp turned up this historic gem with the help of Rose Staples from the minutes of the Free Christian Baptist Manual in 1888. Next time you are at Beulah, take some time to swing by to enjoy a little bit of history. CLICK HERE to email in advance to make sure it is open for viewing.
District Camp Ministry is booming as more people are moving to Beulah Camp & Conference Center than ever before and a high percentage of new seasonal cottage owners are younger families.

  • One8Tea (Teah Bailey) led a strong turnout for a BAC-yard (Beulah Activity Center) concert on Saturday evening and the Tabernacle had a larger than usual crowd for Sunday service. Worship was led by Rob Trafton with Gloryland Way and the message by our Caretaker, Mike White.

One8Tea and his family have a cottage at Beulah and are proud members of Moncton(Joel Gorveatte). Teah was honoured in early May when he received the East Coast Music Award for Hip Hop/Rap Album of the Year (CLICK HERE for more info).

One8Tea on Cross-Canada 2022 Tour
Several of his August concerts are at Wesleyan Churches and you can CLICK HERE for more details about the dates and locations near you – a great option to charge-up your youth and young adults end-of-summer ministries. We love you and are proud of your ministry, Teah!
Congratulations to Bradford & Olivia Jordan (Amherst) on the happy arrival of Clara Alice-Christine born July 20th (7 lbs. 7.5 oz.)!
Ellen joins me in expressing sincere condolences on behalf of our Atlantic District family to Garry Campbell on the July 18th passing of his dear wife, Joanne. CLICK HERE for her obituary with opportunity to post words of support to the family. Garry and Joanne entered ministry as a second career calling and served faithfully in several of our churches as well as many years at Beulah Camp as the Caretaker couple.
  • We’re following a God we can’t see, for a lifetime we can’t measure, to an eternity we can’t comprehend, because of grace we didn’t earn. Faith isn’t a bunch of facts. (Bob Goff)
  • The word disciple is used 269 times, while the word “Christian” is used 3 times. Disciple is the paradigm of Christianity, and we have to get back to that. Our culture wants to move away from it. (Mark Clark)
  • When a church loses the sense of Who is the center it begins to close the borders to people who are different. (Steve DeNeff)
Harvest Women’s Conference
Registration for Harvest is OPEN! It’s been 3 LONG YEARS since women from all over the Maritimes gathered to encounter God and connect with each other Harvest Conference. IT. IS. TIME! We are excited and expectant for the Kingdom HARVEST at this year’s conference and we hope to see YOU there!

For more information and to register, head over to

Love Atlantic – October 2-8, 2022 –


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.