Atlantic Connexion

Christmas All Year Long!
It’s Christmas all year long at New Hope (Scott Prime). This annual Christmas Season Offering is strategically invested in Jesus’ Name over the whole year as the Pastoral Team builds bridges with those who are in need in their community. Another fantastic way to equip the saints to make a real difference as every dollar given will be a blessing to someone in the Annapolis Valley in 2023.

  • Moncton (Jim Clements) also chose a strategic partnership to multiply the generosity of their church family over the Christmas Season. This year they exceeded their goal with $125K – PTL! This will completely fund a new oxygen generating facility in Haiti to serve the Wesleyan Hospital in La Gonave and other surrounding hospitals. After the destruction of infrastructure of last year’s earthquake, this will save the lives of people with COVID-19 in intensive care, neonatal units, surgical units, and more. This gift also went towards several other projects promoted in the invitation to give.
Steeves Family @ The Gathering
Pat Steeves has served for several years as Connections Pastor at Moncton Wesleyan. This year with the help of the church and the district, he and Shannon were able to enjoy a special family trip to The Gathering.

  • Pat added, “We brought the whole family for the week. Surprisingly and very grateful to hear the kids say that one of their highlights was attending the night services. They really enjoyed the worship and were amazed by the communicators each night… they said the messages will be one of things they will remember the most!”
It was an encouraging day at Kingswood University on Friday as I enjoyed the privilege of speaking in chapel and meeting with two groups of students to share information and answer questions about their journey of preparation as prophet-s/esses-in-process.

  • Kingswood had one of its largest incoming classes for a spring semester in recent years and was blessed with a record-breaking Christmas Offering that continues to grow. Thank you all for your partnership and investment!

Dr. Dave Smith (IWU) will be the speaker for the Dunlop-Mullen Holiness Lecture Series on January 24th (9:30am & 7:00pm) & 25th (7:00pm). He will also speak in Pulse on Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. You are warmly invited to visit campus or join the livestream for any of these messages. CLICK HERE for more info on Dr. Dave Smith.

Global Partners Provides Marketplace Pathways
New ways for this new day are not just opening doors at home. Global Partners has launched an opportunity for Global Marketplace Multipliers by celebrating Christians who are serving in the marketplace and intentionally engaging in global disciple-making. CLICK HERE to receive regular updates by subscribing to The Multiplier!
Full Strength Network Serves Pastors Well
What’s the one question we are quick to ask those we shepherd and yet the same question we fail to ask ourselves as pastors?

  • How’s your soul?

Today’s blog asks this of you, pastor. Take time today to soak in the value of these key questions pastors should be reflecting on if we desire longevity in ministry.

CLICK HERE for INFO Re: A Confidential Path to Victory
  • Pressure is the result of doing something that matters without knowing the outcome. In the next five years you will have to manage and use pressure. You need it, you just don’t like it. (Steve DeNeff)
  • Faithfulness is choosing obedience when it is not preference. (Wayne Schmidt) #john17:4
  • The worst thing that can happen to you is not that you choose to get offended but that you do not choose to love well those who have offended you. (Albert Tate)
CLICK HERE for Info / Registration
CLICK HERE for the Caton’s Island Winter Newsletter
KU 2023 Vision Tour – CLICK HERE for PDF Poster
A Perfect Christmas Gift for your Marriage!
Made for More Ministries (Jay and Sharon Guptill) are leading a Marriage Retreat at Beulah Camp and Conference Center on February 3-5. It will be limited to 40 couples and registration closes on January 22nd. Sign up today and plan to enjoy a great weekend away as husband and wife.
CLICK HERE for more information and for Registration!


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.