Atlantic Connexion

The 2022 Atlantic District Journal is now available for download. CLICK HERE to access up-to-date information on Ministerial Appointments and the Church-Pastor Directory.

  • A few folks have been asking about Beulah Family Camp 2023. The annual formula is that BFC starts on the FIRST Friday of July. That means in 2023 it will be the latest it ever is with July 7th on a Friday. So, BFC is July 7-16, 2023, with District Conference on Thursday, July 13th and Ordination on Friday, July 14th.
District Board of Administration Fall Session
We are blessed by the leadership of our DBA, including two new members elected at District Conference in July – Debbie Allen (Amherst) and Victoria Rowe (Framework). The fall session convened on Thursday in the Edgett Memorial Boardroom at District Office and explored a wide range of agenda items including important work to discern next steps in the 2027 Vision Goal introduced at the Roundtables.
In my travel this weekend to serve on the Wesleyan Education Council (WEC), I had opportunity to worship on Sunday with our General Treasurer Kevin Batman and his family at a new Kingdom location in Westfield, Indiana. The Batmans joined the core team for the January launch of One Church (Andy Riemersma) which celebrated three baptisms this week for a total of 10 so far in its first year – PTL! Andy was a basketball star at the local high school and has had opportunity to lead 30 of his high school friends to Christ, including one who serves on the preaching team. It is so encouraging when gifted young leaders give their first and best to see His Kingdom come!
Give A Gift that Keeps on Giving!
Caton’s Island is focused on providing a fun, safe, amazing experience that has one purpose, to show the love of Christ to everyone who attends. Director Dean Stephenson is a proven leader worthy of your partnership. When you give to Caton’s, as a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift, you are supporting facility upgrades, maintenance, and overall camp operations. Your gift provides a life-changing experience to campers and staff who attend each year, making your donation a greater impact than you will ever know!

  • All donations go to general operations unless stated. If you wish to give to a specific project just let us know when making a donation. CLICK HERE to make a donation now!
 Thank you so much for your generosity!
Free Advent Resources from HQ
Do you struggle with developing fresh expressions for holiday outreach in your community? Struggle no longer. It is time to prepare ourselves for the season of Advent.

  • CLICK HERE to listen into this Discipleship Conversation with Matt LeRoy. He shares his new free Advent worship series created specifically for The Wesleyan Church. This includes other special guested who share effective holiday outreach expressions.
Preparing for 2023?
Barna is teaming up with Carey Nieuwhof and Subsplash to offer a free class called: Two Trends That Reshaped Ministry in 2022. Take some time to better understand the year behind us and start preparing for the year ahead Wednesday, November 16th at 11am PT / 2pm ETCLICK HERE to save your seat!
CLICK HERE for Details & Zoom Link to Participate
  • What is fearless humility? Leveraging whatever God has given us (gifts, power, influence, status, resources, spiritual insights) to serve and elevate others without fear of the outcome. (Jeff Clark)
  • The best form of self-discovery is self-denial. The Holy Spirit is IN you for you. The Holy Spirit in ON you for others. (Andy Riemersma) #Acts19:6
  • When your work is an idol, success goes to your head and failure goes to your heart. (Timothy Keller)
Pastors have been asking CEO Tanya Nace what projects World Hope International (Canada) has selected for their church Christmas Offerings. Here they are!
$500 helps a first responder provide clean water after a natural disaster
Video Link:$200 helps connect a home in rural Cambodia to clean tapped water
Video Link:

$55 helps provide a water filter after a disaster has removed access to clean water
Video Link:

$412 helps provide care for one patient at the LaGonave Wesleyan Hospital in Haiti
Video Link:

Click here to get slides for your church service or social media posts.

International Wesleyan Youth Conference

Our Church Multiplication & Discipleship team would love to invite you to the International Wesleyan Youth Conference, Follow 2023!

All middle school, high school, and young adults are welcome to come discover their kingdom calling. We are expectant for God to move in mighty ways. Mark your calendar for December 28-30th, 2023 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

For a recap of what Follow 2019 was all about, you can watch our highlight video by clicking here.

Made for More Ministries
Congratulations to Jay & Sharon Guptill on the recent launch of Made for More Ministries! CLICK HERE to check out their new website and the many ways they are available to serve. They are providing a premier new support ministry in our region and we are blessed to have their Kingdom influence in the Atlantic Region.


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.