Atlantic Connexion

New Hope (Scott Prime) Celebrates Lives Transformed!

Last Sunday (Feb. 23) in Kentville & Kingston, New Hope Wesleyan (Scott Prime) celebrated as 5 people publicly expressed their decision to follow Jesus through baptism! Scott shared, “We rejoice with them as they take this next step in their faith journey. Let’s continue to pray for and support them as they walk with Christ!”

National Church Prayer Night

YOU are invited… a wide-open invitation to anyone! On Sunday, March 23rd from 7-8 p.m. (Atlantic Time) Dr. Elliott, our National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Canada, and the national prayer wave team are hosting an online gathering of like-minded believers for a time of…

  • seeking greater intimacy with our Heavenly Father
  • sharing the good things God has been doing in and through your life;
  • passionately intercede on behalf of our country for significant breakthroughs & revival;
  • asking God to raise up an army of young next-generation leaders across Canada & Maine.

Save the date – CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.

Powerful Ministry – No Shortcuts

I had the privilege this Friday of attending a funeral for the father (Mike Walton) of Camp Board member Greg Walton at Hartland Wesleyan (Interim Brian Murray). The ministry offered to the Walton family was rich and meaning-filled. The church was packed and they had to open up a church down the street for overflow and pipe in the livestream. Mr. Walton was a long-standing stalwart community leader in Carton County – having served amongst other accomplishments as Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department for 43 years.

  • The sensitivity, empathy, and pastoral skill of Brian Murray and Dave Wilcox was a beautiful and powerful testimony of what can happen through men of God when they invest more than a decade each to loving a church family and community. Services like this do not occur because of the preparation that happened last week. They are the fruit of years and years of loving those you are called to serve over the long haul.

I have never been prouder to be a Wesleyan Pastor as their ministry inspired a renewed passion for the impactful rewards of longevity in our calling. Dave preached an apt word from II Chronicles 20:12, “…We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.””

Lower Brighton Wesleyan – Soup-er Sunday

I enjoyed a “Soup-er” Sunday Service this week with Jacob (Nikki) Ebbett at Lower Brighton Wesleyan. About once each month they enjoy a time of fellowship after the service with a soup potluck – a creative idea. Earlier last week Jacob received a very positive Four-Year Recall Evaluation with the LBA as they voted unanimously to recommend an Extended Call congregation vote on March 16th.

Solid Rock Wesleyan (Peter Hayes) is bringing FIVE men to experience this exciting weekend all the way from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland!

CLICK HERE for a deep dive on XY from Brent Ingersoll (Kings) – with tons of extra resources to make this an easy win. This gives you a code for a free registration as a pastor when you bring a group. Plus there is a 60% discount for young men 25 and under. This two-pager is worth your time and definitely worth your follow-up. We all know how this works in the order of Kingdom influence – you get the man, you get the family. You take a man deeper in Christ and everyone around them wins at work, in church, and at home.

TEN Atlantic Wesleyan churches were represented in this week’s pre-conference Zoom with Dr. Steve DeNeff, Dr. Jeff Clark, and Ryan Ott. All three of this high-octane Kingdom influencers will joining for part of Beulah Family Camp. Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch is providing excellent leadership for this Marketplace Disciple-Makers conference.

Another historic Beulah Family Camp (July 5-13) is about 120+ days away with evangelists Dr. Steve DeNeff and Rev. Zach Coffin. An updated Beulah Camp & Conference Center website will be available soon with more details. Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch is thrilled to provide this early announcement for a first-ever event embedded in the schedule of BFC as a pre-District Conference shoulder event.

Marketplace Disciple Maker Conference

Plan now to attend (with your key lay Disciple-Makers) at the Marketplace Disciple Maker Conference from Monday evening, July 7th to Wednesday morning, July 9th, 2025. This transformative event will feature speakers Dr. Steve DeNeff and Dr. Jeff Clark, author of Praying on Offense: A Simple Guide to Transformational Prayer (gifted to each delegate at our 2024 District Conference).

  • Alongside Steve and Jeff, two influential marketplace lay leaders—Ryan Ott and Trent Daley—will guide pastors and lay leaders through a practical process, equipping us for effective disciple-making within our local contexts.

In preparation for the conference, we invite you to join us for second pre-conference Zoom sessions with Steve and Jeff on March 17th. This one-hour session will provide insights into the growing North American marketplace movement, as well as an opportunity to share your suggestions and questions in advance of the full conference.

  • Monday, March 17th @ 2:00 PM (Atlantic Time)

District Conference 2024 Vision Update

CLICK HERE for more details including the Zoom link for the conversation on March 17th with Dr. Steve DeNeff & Dr. Jeff Clark. This high-octane, 48-hour event is embedded into the Mon- Wed of Beulah Family Camp. This will be a strategic opportunity for deploying Acts 1:8 Quadrant Two (Judea – Near) leaders in our ongoing Meductic Mandate.

  • The question that starts any movement is, “Whose heart has the Lord stirred?” (Steve DeNeff)
  • A leader falling to other temptations is certainly quite destructive. But a checked-out leader does more damage over a longer period of time. (David Drury)
  • We need to start believing the scattered church is just as important as the gathered church. (Tami Mutch-Ketch)

Ellen joins me in expressing continued prayers and condolences on behalf of the Atlantic District to the families of John & Willo Ann Symonds and Ken & Gail McGeorge on the unexpected passing of their nephew and son respectively, Scott McGeorge. CLICK HERE for his obituary with directions regarding your support of the family, especially his wife Alicia.

  • We also lift up the family of our Mountain Plains District Superintendent Billy & Kim Wilson on the tragic passing of their 25-year-old son, Daniel. Please remember them in prayer as they gather later today (March 4th) for his Memorial Service in Dallas, Texas.
CLICK HERE for More Information & Registration

Hephzibah62:4 is excited to partner with The Wesleyan Church’s NextGen department to provide a FREE three-week cohort featuring live training and Q&A with Wesleyan trauma-informed experts. This cohort was designed to equip Wesleyan leaders with insights and tools for practical application for engaging most effectively with vulnerable children and their families.

Where: Zoom, Online
When: Tuesdays, 12:00-1:15 PM (EST)

  • Session 1: February 25, 2025, Introduction to ACEs and Trauma-Informed Discipleship with Pastor Dayna Carr
  • Session 2: March 4, 2025, Emotional Poverty in All Demographics with Pastor Ed Spencer
  • Session 3: March 11, 2025, Positive Childhood Experiences, an Evidence-Based Approach that Protects Children While Addressing Challenging Behaviors with Dr. Stacy Haynes
An Excellent Resource for End-of-Life Ministry
This winter series is offered for FREE at 1:00 p.m. Atlantic Time on February 20, 27, & March 6. CLICK HERE to register today for the Dying with Christ – Living with Hope Winter Series.
CLICK HERE for All the Info!
CLICK HERE for detailed promo to pastors from Brent Ingersoll.

Men – what would change in your heart, your family, or your life if you devoted a weekend to Jesus? You and everyone in your life would be better off for it! The world NEEDS godly men!

  • Hosted at Tidal Church (Moncton Location)
  • April 4-5, 2025
  • Registration Cost: $99
  • Young Adult (Ages 16-25): $40
CLICK HERE to register today!

CLICK HERE to check out Follow the Call
A helpful Wesleyan resource to disciple believers in processing a call to ministry.

CLICK HERE for This Excellent Firebrand Article


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.