Atlantic Connexion

Sunday was a day of celebration as 50 gathered at Nackawic Wesleyan (Ryan Farrell) for the baptism of this elderly saint as his dear wife stood beside him (top picture). For health reasons, sprinkling was the sacramental method requested. Ryan shared, “I poured water into three small bowls representing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and took water from each bowl for the public declaration of his faith in baptism.” A creative approach!

  • Tim Conrad concluded his ministry at Woods Harbour Wesleyan earlier this month with a baptism (bottom picture)! We are grateful for Tim & Jenna and their service in Southwest Nova as the Conrads seek the Lord’s direction for the next chapter of their ministry. The church family has engaged in a strategic partnership with Yarmouth Wesleyan (AJ Plaizier) for the months ahead as David Hockley is providing pastoral care and leadership.
Cambers Family Announced as Oromocto Satellite Pastor

Another exciting announcement was shared at Journey (Matt Maxwell) this Sunday! Jamie (Catherine) Cambers will be returning to Fredericton this summer as they begin the work for a fall 2026 launch of Journey – Oromocto. CLICK HEREon timestamp 51:50 for the intro from Matt and an entertaining video greeting from the Cambers family.

  • Jamie currently serves as Executive Pastor at C-Road (Jason Frizzell) in Brockville, ON.

Another historic Beulah Family Camp (July 5-13) is about 130 days away with evangelists Dr. Steve DeNeff and Rev. Zach Coffin. An updated Beulah Camp & Conference Center website will be available soon with more details. Executive Director Tami Mutch-Ketch is thrilled to provide this early announcement for a first-ever event embedded in the schedule of BFC as a pre-District Conference shoulder event.

Marketplace Disciple Maker Conference

Plan now to attend the Marketplace Disciple Maker Conference from Monday evening, July 7th to Wednesday morning, July 9th, 2025. This transformative event will feature speakers Dr. Steve DeNeff and Dr. Jeff Clark, author of Praying on Offense: A Simple Guide to Transformational Prayer (gifted to each delegate at our 2024 District Conference).

  • Alongside Steve and Jeff, two influential marketplace lay leaders—Ryan Ott and Trent Daley—will guide pastors and lay leaders through a practical process, equipping us for effective disciple-making within our local contexts.

In preparation for the conference, we invite you to join us for two pre-conference Zoom sessions with Steve and Jeff. These one-hour sessions will provide insights into the growing North American marketplace movement, as well as an opportunity to share your suggestions and questions in advance of the full conference.

  • Tuesday, February 25th @ 2:00 PM (Atlantic Time)
  • Monday, March 17th @ 2:00 PM (Atlantic Time)

District Conference 2024 Vision Update

CLICK HERE for more details including the Zoom link for later today (Tuesday) with Dr. Steve DeNeff & Dr. Jeff Clark. This high-octane, 48-hour event is a strategic investment in deploying Acts 1:8 Quadrant Two (Judea – Near) leaders in our ongoing Meductic Mandate.

The Spirit’s presence was moving in a special way this Sunday at Brazil Lake Wesleyan (Kevin Myers). It was a joy to worship with the nearly 75 in attendance as the congregational singing featured 50% Spanish and the message was simultaneously interpreted via headsets for the growing number of Spanish-speaking new Canadians who now call BLWC their spiritual home!

  • A powerful and lingering time of personal testimonies concluded the service before an extended time of fellowship over a delicious meal. Praise God for the renewal and post-pandemic strength they are experiencing under Kevin’s effective leadership.

Family Day Weekend hosted another impactful community service of Browns Flat Fellowship (Jay & Sharon Guptill) at the HUB up the hill. An encouraging winter turnout with 100 in attendance including the tables at the back for families with young children. These are significant days of growth and community connection as BFF is reaping the harvest of relational and prayer seeds sown over the past 20 years.

Solid Rock Wesleyan Pastoral Review
It was a privilege to conduct the Extended Call Pastoral Review last week of Peter (Cathy) Hayes @ Solid Rock Wesleyan. The Local Board of Administration unanimously and enthusiastically renewed his Extended Call as Lead Pastor for another four years. Worship Services are enjoying nearly 70 in attendance with about 20 of this number being under the age of 13!

National Church Prayer Night

YOU are invited… a wide-open invitation to anyone! On Sunday, March 23rd from 7-8 p.m. (Atlantic Time) Dr. Elliott, our National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Canada, and the national prayer wave team are hosting an online gathering of like-minded believers for a time of…

  • seeking greater intimacy with our Heavenly Father
  • sharing the good things God has been doing in and through your life;
  • passionately intercede on behalf of our country for significant breakthroughs & revival;
  • asking God to raise up an army of young next-generation leaders across Canada & Maine.

Save the date – CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.

  • Our passion is for people to love Jesus – that’s what it’s all about. (Pete Scazzero) #ResillientPastorPodcast
  • Being a strategic thinker begins with the ability to see what is truly around you. (Michael Watkins)
  • When your church ministries are allowed to follow their own course, (without evaluation, change and pruning), they will become more complicated and less effective over time. (Dan Reiland)

A sincere word of appreciation on behalf of the McElhinney family for those who were able to tangibly demonstrate our district family support at the Hartland funeral on Thursday for Rev. John McElhinney. The honour guard formed following Darren Clark’s (River Valley Wesleyan) excellent message was a warm reminder that we are stronger together.

It was an incredible celebration service as we were all reminded of the lasting impact and legacy God blesses through faithful Kingdom stewards like John & Audrey McElhinney.

CLICK HERE for More Information & Registration

Hephzibah62:4 is excited to partner with The Wesleyan Church’s NextGen department to provide a FREE three-week cohort featuring live training and Q&A with Wesleyan trauma-informed experts. This cohort was designed to equip Wesleyan leaders with insights and tools for practical application for engaging most effectively with vulnerable children and their families.

Where: Zoom, Online
When: Tuesdays, 12:00-1:15 PM (EST)

  • Session 1: February 25, 2025, Introduction to ACEs and Trauma-Informed Discipleship with Pastor Dayna Carr
  • Session 2: March 4, 2025, Emotional Poverty in All Demographics with Pastor Ed Spencer
  • Session 3: March 11, 2025, Positive Childhood Experiences, an Evidence-Based Approach that Protects Children While Addressing Challenging Behaviors with Dr. Stacy Haynes
An Excellent Resource for End-of-Life Ministry
This winter series is offered for FREE at 1:00 p.m. Atlantic Time on February 20, 27, & March 6. CLICK HERE to register today for the Dying with Christ – Living with Hope Winter Series.
CLICK HERE for All the Info!
Men – what would change in your heart, your family, or your life if you devoted a weekend to Jesus? You and everyone in your life would be better off for it! The world NEEDS godly men!

  • Hosted at Tidal Church (Moncton Location)
  • April 4-5, 2025
  • Registration Cost: $99
  • Young Adult (Ages 16-25): $40
CLICK HERE to register today!

CLICK HERE to check out Follow the Call
A helpful Wesleyan resource to disciple believers in processing a call to ministry.

CLICK HERE for This Excellent Firebrand Article


Send us an email, give us a call, or drop in for a visit.

Main Office:(Year Round)

1830 Mountain Road
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9

Phone: (506) 383-8326

Seasonal Office:(no mail)

229 Beulah Road
Brown’s Flat, NB
E5M 2R5

Phone: (506) 468-2286

District Superintendent:

Rev. Peter Moore

Executive Administrator:

Mrs. Karrilee Bremner

The Wesleyan Church

The Wesleyan Church

Thanks to QuestionPro for providing us free survey templates for running multiple types of surveys. It aids in strengthening our nonprofit family.